Everyone loves the idea of Autopilot Health and Weight Loss. They’ll say to us, “I need that… But, does it really work?” We think they’re afraid that it might be just another health and weight loss marketing ploy.
But, we assure you, Autopilot Health and Weight Loss is real.
Because the thing is… your health and weight are ALREADY on autopilot
You just didn’t know it.
Your Autopilot Brain
Your brain is made to run on autopilot. Anytime you do something that can be made into a habit– your brain will program it to run on autopilot.
The problem is that if you don’t intentionally take control of the autopilot programming, you’ll end up with the factory default settings. And in America the autopilot factory default settings for health and weight aren’t good.
Over 40% of Americans have 1 or more chronic conditions and over ⅔ of us are overweight or obese.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can take back control over yout autpilot brain’s health and weight loss programming.
AND program it with the autopilot habits that will get you to where you want to go.
What Autopilot Means
Let’s start with understanding what autopilot means. According to all-knowing wikipedia,
An autopilot is a system used to control… an aircraft without constant ‘hands-on’ control by a human … Autopilots do not replace human operators, but instead, they assist them in controlling the aircraft. This allows them to focus on broader aspects of operations such as monitoring the trajectory, weather, and systems.
I asked my husband (who was a helicopter pilot in the military) to help me understand autopilot a bit more. He said that it’s basically “cruise control” for your aircraft.
When you set the cruise control for your car, it works to keep the speed within certain limits. Autopilot for an aircraft works on things like heading, altitude, and speed.
It’s Complicated
Autopilot seems like a luxury. Something invented so that pilots can kick back and play on their phones during the flight.
But autopilot is actually a necessity.
B-29 Bomber
In fact, when the B-29 Bomber (the plane that won WWII) was first exhibited, it crashed on take-off because it was too complicated. Experts believed that the B-29 was “unflyable” because it was just too complicated for humans to fly.
But thankfully for Americans (and all our Allies), experts were able to overcome this by making the first crude autopilot–a paper checklist.
The pilot didn’t have to use his working brain (what I call the Boss brain) anymore to remember every switch and the order it was to be engaged. Their “paper brain” would do it for them. It made the airplane flyable and the war winnable.
Let’s step inside the B-29 cockpit…
Looks complicated, right?
Credit: https://airandspace.si.edu/stories/editorial/take-look-these-cockpits
Boeing 747
Just wait.
You gotta see the cockpit of a Boeing 747!
Talk about complicated!
Hundreds and hundreds of switches and sensors and gauges.
Credit: National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution https://howthingsfly.si.edu/media/boeing-747-cockpit
Autopilot was actually invented to make huge, sophisticated aircraft like the Boeing 747 flyable.
Otherwise, there’s just too much information for the human brain to keep track of.
Your Complicated Life
Do you know what that cockpit reminds me of?
Our lives.
Our very complicated lives.
They’re a bit like that 747 with hundreds of moving parts and pieces.
How about you?
How complicated is your life?
You may have kids to feed and shuttle around multiple times a day, a spouse to take care of, a job to show up to and rock, friends to hang out with, community work to volunteer for, a house to maintain, and the list goes on.
Your Busy Life has Hundreds of Switches
Your life has “hundreds of switches, sensors, and gauges” in your brain to keep track of all the stuff going on.
“Little Johnny has ½ day of school on Friday. That work proposal is due tomorrow. Call the plumber for the leaking toilet in the upstairs bathroom. And oh yeah, we’re out of milk…”
It’s not just your responsibilities that are piling up. Experts are saying that the nature of life has changed, so everyone’s life, in general, is more complicated. The internet, smartphones, social media, and email keep us “always on.”
Health and Weight Loss Adds More Switches and Sensors
Now try and add health and weight loss onto that already complicated life.
“Make your green smoothie, measure out 4 ounces protein for lunch, avoid the office candy jar, get 10,000 steps, get to the gym for an hour, and get 7-8 hours of sleep.”
That’s another whole console of switches, sensors, and gauges for health and weight loss to add to your brain.
You can see why health and weight loss efforts can crash and burn.
Our lives are just too complicated.
You Need Autopilot for Your Brain
Kind of sounds like you and I may need an autopilot for our brains!
Lucky for us, we already have one.
Your brain was made with an autopilot already built in…
Let’s Review
Most of us understand that our health is one of the most important assets we have.
In order to do amazing things, you need to have health and energy to get things done.
But taking control of your health and weight, can seem like another project to add to your already busy life. Your life is complicated already and seems to get more complicated every day. Remember that aerospace engineers added autopilot to complicated aircraft, so they could make pilots successful and take some of the burden off. By training your brain to put your health and weight loss on autopilot, you’ll take the burden off of your pilot brain and get better, more sustainable results as well.
Be sure to check out the next episode to find out how to get your Autopilot working for you–instead of against you.