And would you be impressed that nuts may even be as good or even better than medication for lowering cholesterol? The leading cholesterol-lowering medication, it’s estimated that statins reduce your risk of dying from a heart attack by about 20%–Nothing to sneeze at. But, that means that NUTS might have better results than statins. Wouldn’t that be cool if your doctor gave you a. prescription for cashews! You’d go to the pharmacy and pick up your monthly snack bags.
But, we’re not done yet. Nuts not only lower your bad cholesterol, but they can lower your risk of diabetes too. That’s why we recommend that ALL of our clients —especially those with high cholesterol and high blood sugar eat them as a snack every, SINGLE day.
Monounsaturated Fats are the Bomb
I grew up in the 1980’s–back in the “olden times” as my kids would say. And back then, FAT from foods was bad. And not just kinda bad, it was the devil. But, our scientific knowledge of dietary fats has evolved over the decades. Now we know that the kind of fat in food matters. And the mono-unsaturated fat found in nuts is super healthy for you. Olive oil and avocados have lots of monounsaturated fat too.
Nuts Have a Lot of Calories
Now I know what you’re thinking, that sounds great that they’re healthy for me and I love them… but aren’t they a lot of calories? Why yes, yes they are.
1/4 Cup is a Serving
Nuts are concentrated calories. They pack 170 calories in one small serving. That’s why the serving size is only ¼ cup. We actually recommend keeping a ¼ cup measuring cup in your nut container to keep you honest.
30% Calorie Coupon
But there is something surprising about the calories in Nuts. Your body is actually really bad at accessing the calories in them. We’re talking about the whole nut here. Not ground-up nuts like peanut butter or almond butter. It seems that your body is really good at accessing all those calories. But your body can’t access up to 30% of the calories in whole nuts. That’s like getting a 30% off coupon on calories when it comes to nuts.