Loukia: “I lost 22 pounds!”
Let’s just say that Loukia was not into exercise. She had no motivation to get started — until she met Exercise Bliss and the domino effect started: Before she knew it, she would be exercising 7 days a week and would lose 22 pounds!
At a glance

The Problem: Just the thought of exercise was overwhelming.
“I wanted a healthy lifestyle but just the thought of it made it hard to start.”
The Solution: Making it OK to start out small.
“Exercise Bliss taught me the value of small steps. It’s ok to only do something “ridiculously small”! Before I knew it, I’d do something small 7 days a week!”
Her Result: She lost 22 pounds and still exercises!
“As a result, I’ve lost over 22 pounds. I could not be happier!”+
In her own words
Loukia could not find the motivation to start exercise, until she found Exercise Bliss.
Loukia, How Did You Feel Before Exercise Bliss?
I felt “stuck”.
Why Did You Feel This Way?
I wanted to exercise and have a healthy lifestyle, but just the thought of it made it hard to start.
What Exactly Are Your Health Habits Now?
By taking small steps at a time and through Exercise Bliss, I am working out 7 days a week a little bit and 4 days per week 1 hour approximately. Exercise is no longer daunting!
How Did Exercise Bliss Help You Change Your Health and Fitness?
Before, I was not moving my body at all. Exercise Bliss taught me the value of small steps. It’s ok to only do something “ridiculously small”! Before I knew it, I’d do something small 7 days a week (even though you recommended only 5 days a week).
I also learned how not to punish myself for not doing “enough”. This was not easy at first, as I was used to being super-strict with myself. Yet, through EB’s Mind Training I learned to be more gentle.
What Big Wins Did You Get After You Graduated From Exercise Bliss?
It’s been more than 3 months since I graduated and I’m still exercising consistently. I started going to the gym right after the program ended, and I still go 4 times a week.
As a result, I’ve lost over 22 pounds. I could not be happier!
Have you found yourself in a situation like Loukia’s – where one small change leads to the next and before you know it a whole new chain of events has unfolded? Leave a comment below.