5 Solo Travel Tips to Take Care of Your Mental Health

Traveling the world by yourself is a moving and rewarding experience, with countless opportunities for adventure and self-discovery. Exploring the world in your own style and at your own...

12 Tips for Beginner Bloggers to Kickstart Your Blog Biz

If you’re thinking of starting a blogging business now, there might be many things standing in your way. Before...

Staying Fit at 53: Here’s What’s Working Now : The Fit Habit

As my 53rd birthday approaches, I am proud to say that I am feeling as good as I...

XB Pilates Before + Afters (I’m in love) : The Fit Habit

Published: Dec 13, 2022 · Last Modified: Dec 13, 2022 by Caren · This post may contain affiliate...

11 Simple Habits to Stop Spending So Much Money

Let me ask you a personal question: How is your financial situation? If you’re like the 50% of Americans...

College Advice No One Tells You (But You Need to Know)

By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed.College is a lot different than high school. If you’re already in college, you know this. If you’re currently...

How to Prepare and Prime Before Class (In Just 10 Minutes) Like Top Students

By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed.College and graduate students often have breaks between classes, unlike the back-to-back schedule typical in high school. While many...

What is Time Management Really? A Student’s Guide to Understanding Time

By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed.We’ve all heard of “time management,” and most of us know that it’s important. Time management is a concept...

What College Students Need for Dorms: 11 Essentials to Make Learning Easier in College

By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed.What college students need for dorms varies a lot and depends on a student’s preference, living situation, and personal...

Annotating vs. Note-Taking: Differences, Tips, and When to Use Each

By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed.Annotating and note-taking are both school skills (and work skills!) that allow you to get more from the text...

4 Common Study Myths That Are Ruining Your Grades

By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed.Part of my job as a study skills expert and executive functioning coach is to stay current on the research around...