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Are We Too Impatient to Be Intelligent?

A copywriter, an art director, and an advertising account man are boarding a plane to go to a client presentation. Slightly implausibly, they open...

The Making of an Expert: The Joy Factor – BehavioralEconomics.com

By Shaye Hopkins, Kate Fox, Toni Castro Cosio, and Hans Frech La Rosa   As humans, we all want to live good and fulfilling lives. This...

How to Calculate Opportunity Costs for Major Life Decisions

We all make opportunity cost decisions every single day. After all, the phrase. “opportunity cost” is just a fancy way of saying that you...

How to Use a Planner Effectively

For many of us, the chaos of modern life feels like a treadmill set at an impossible pace….You’re racing through your day, juggling a...

How to Use Discipline to Add New Habits and Gain More Time

Reading Time: 7 minutesEach new year offers a fresh start, new beginnings, and a worldwide surge to becoming the person you always wished...

This One Amazing Snack Food Will Help You Live Two Extra Years — REAL HEALTHY HABITS

And would you be impressed that nuts may even be as good or even better than medication for lowering cholesterol? The leading...