How a 5-min workout prompted Loukia to lose 22 pounds.

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How a 5-min workout prompted Loukia to lose 22 pounds.

Loukia G., Civil Engineer, GR

Loukia: “I lost 22 pounds!”

Let’s just say that Loukia was not into exercise. She had no motivation to get started — until she met Exercise Bliss and the domino effect started: Before she knew it, she would be exercising 7 days a week and would lose 22 pounds!

At a glance

22 pound weight loss before after

The Problem: Just the thought of exercise was overwhelming.

“I wanted a healthy lifestyle but just the thought of it made it hard to start.”

The Solution: Making it OK to start out small.

“Exercise Bliss taught me the value of small steps. It’s ok to only do something “ridiculously small”! Before I knew it, I’d do something small 7 days a week!”

Her Result: She lost 22 pounds and still exercises!

“As a result, I’ve lost over 22 pounds. I could not be happier!”+

+Results vary depending on starting point, goals, and effort.

In her own words

Loukia could not find the motivation to start exercise, until she found Exercise Bliss.

Loukia, How Did You Feel Before Exercise Bliss?

I felt “stuck”.

Why Did You Feel This Way?

I wanted to exercise and have a healthy lifestyle, but just the thought of it made it hard to start.

What Exactly Are Your Health Habits Now?

By taking small steps at a time and through Exercise Bliss, I am working out 7 days a week a little bit and 4 days per week 1 hour approximately. Exercise is no longer daunting!

How Did Exercise Bliss Help You Change Your Health and Fitness?

Before, I was not moving my body at all. Exercise Bliss taught me the value of small steps. It’s ok to only do something “ridiculously small”! Before I knew it, I’d do something small 7 days a week (even though you recommended only 5 days a week).

I also learned how not to punish myself for not doing “enough”. This was not easy at first, as I was used to being super-strict with myself. Yet, through EB’s Mind Training I learned to be more gentle.

What Big Wins Did You Get After You Graduated From Exercise Bliss?

It’s been more than 3 months since I graduated and I’m still exercising consistently. I started going to the gym right after the program ended, and I still go 4 times a week.

As a result, I’ve lost over 22 pounds. I could not be happier!

Have you found yourself in a situation like Loukia’s – where one small change leads to the next and before you know it a whole new chain of events has unfolded? Leave a comment below.

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