The 5-min Program That Showed Liz How To Enjoy Working Out.

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Liz would start exercise, follow through for 2-3 weeks and despite her best intentions, quit. This all changed after she enrolled to Exercise Bliss and learned how to enjoy working out. She now misses exercise if for some reason she can’t do it!

The Problem: She couldn’t stick to exercise routines.

“I used to start exercise programs and run with them for about 2 or 3 weeks then I’d give up as I saw it all as a chore and difficult.”

The Solution: Exercise Bliss showed her how to enjoy working out.

“Doing EB was a breath of fresh air – the easy 5min workouts to begin with are awesome and help ‘retrain’ your brain into accepting that exercise is NOT a chore.”

Her Result: She actually likes working out!

“I now bounce out of bed and gladly do my 20 – 30 mins of exercise.”+

+Results vary depending on starting point, goals, and effort.

The backdrop

Liz was not a morning person, and didn’t enjoy working out.

The 5-min Program That Showed Liz How To Enjoy Working Out.

Combine those two obstacles with the fact she has a busy work schedule, and it’s no wonder Liz couldn’t stick to a workout routine.

1. Liz tried many other exercise programs and would give up after 2 to 3 weeks.

Starting a program wasn’t a problem for Liz, but sticking to anything long-term was a huge obstacle for her.

“I used to start exercise programs and run with them for about 2 or 3 weeks then I’d give up as I saw it all as a chore and difficult.”

2. Mornings were a huge chore for Liz.

Getting out of bed and starting her day was hard for Liz. Her workday begins at 5am, so the thought of adding exercise into that routine made mornings seem even harder.

“I was sluggish and slow to get out of bed.”

3. She was hesitant to try Exercise Bliss for many reasons.

The biggest hesitation Liz had about enrolling in Exercise Bliss, my 8-week online habits course, was the cost. The conversion of US dollars to Australian dollars made the program’s price tag seem steep at first. Add that to her limited internet connection, and she wondered if this would work for her.

“I don’t get unlimited downloads to be able to stream videos every day. I managed to watch them in low quality which allowed me to stay within my data allowance.”

When considering the price, internet concerns, along with her work schedule, she hesitated even more.

“I am a FIFO (Fly-In-Fly-Out) mine worker – 8 days on 6 days off – and I felt this might impede my time available to complete workouts.”

4. She decided she was worth it – and invested in the program.

Despite her growing list of hesitations, Liz decided it was finally time to do something about her health.

“I thought about it for a good two weeks then decided that this was my health I was procrastinating over! I could afford the cost, I was worth it. So I joined and haven’t regretted a cent of money spent!”

Her results

Liz not only found a program she can stick to, she discovered how to enjoy working out!

After graduating from Exercise Bliss, Liz is now consistently working out 20-30 minutes per day, up to 5x per week.

1. She even finds herself doing extra exercises through the day.

Before EB, Liz saw exercise as a chore. Now she’s going above and beyond her regular workouts and doing even more exercise after her workout is done.

“I’m also amazed that I am finding myself doing random exercise during the day – bench push ups here and there, squats and extra walking!”

Cathy is another EB grad that went from hating exercise for 57 years – to loving it so much that she also did above and beyond the recommended workouts!

2. EB helped her enjoy her mornings – workouts included!

enjoy working out bounce out of bed

Remember how the thought of getting out of bed in the morning was a huge chore for Liz before EB? Now, she gladly gets up even earlier – at 4am – just so she can get her workout done before going to work at 5am.

“I have formed a habit that is most beneficial and so easy to maintain.  I enjoy it so much and feel sort of let down if I don’t do my morning workout.”

The effects of working out in the mornings don’t stop there. Liz’s well-being continues to thrive beyond mornings, and go through the rest of her day.

“I notice that for several hours after my morning workouts I am happier and fuller of energy than I previously was in the morning.”

3. Liz feels stronger and loves the way her muscles feel.

While she progressed through the EB videos at a normal pace, Liz continued to feel the benefits of the workouts as she moved on.

“I have really noticed the difference in my shoulders and arms – I’m almost at the point where I can do a full push up! The Amazing results workout is amazing! I really enjoy the way I can feel my muscles after the workout (the first time I did it I felt it for the following two days!).”

4. She is more positive and confident because of EB.

Liz’s morning workouts didn’t just make her physically stronger, they improved her self-confidence and the way she carries herself for the remainder of the day.

“I have noticed a great change in my moods. I am much more confident – I walk tall with my shoulders back and chin lifted.”

5. Liz’s attitude changed completely, and she learned how to enjoy working out!

Gone are the days of exercise routines feeling too difficult to continue. With EB, Liz found that she actually enjoys exercise! She experienced a mindset change with her new habit of working out.

“I noticed my attitude changing during the program I began to see exercise as a benefit – a pleasure – and not a chore.”

How she succeeded

1. Instructional videos helped her understand the mindset change about exercise.

EB comes with instructional exercise and motivational videos through the entire 8-week program. So if you’re new to exercise, you’ll learn how to do all workouts with great form. Better yet, you are able to tailor your workouts to fit your needs.

These videos actually helped Liz realize how much she actually enjoys working out.

“Your instructional videos were a great help. The information you gave in the videos was important for me to understand and manage to change my mindset about exercise.”

2. She started out small and progressed at the EB pace.

The main reason Liz couldn’t stick to other programs is because of how hard the workouts were.  EB is different, though.  You start out small – only 2 workouts the first week – so that you learn how to enjoy working out!

“Doing EB was a breath of fresh air – the easy 5 min workouts to begin with are awesome and help ‘retrain’ your brain into accepting that exercise is NOT a chore.”

Once you start off small, you progress from there and keep building your exercise habit.

“The fact that the exercises are mostly low impact and target specific muscle groups is awesome. The length of the workouts is important they are not daunting at all.”

Once she started progressing through EB, she started to combine some of her favorite 7-minute videos to customize her workouts.

“I like combining some of these to make a good 21-minute workout.”

Liz enjoyed her progression greatly, and even went on to do my Flat Belly Firm Butt in 16 Minutes program after graduating from EB!

3. The habit journal encouraged Liz to stick to her workout plan.

the exercise habit habit journal
The habit journal of EB is something that you’ll use from the beginning, and all the way through. This tool helps you strategize and plan your workouts so you can learn to make exercise a habit.

Even after graduating from EB, Liz still uses her habit journal. She credits her consistency and success in the program to using her journal regularly.

“I continue to use the habit journal and find it encourages me to achieve my plan of working out 20 – 30mins 4 times a week. I’m actually finding I’m working out 5 times a week!”

She likes the format of the journal and finds it easy to use – which is key in continuing her habit to use it!

“The most helpful part of the journal was the planning and then the results/review part. I like the layout and the sections to fill in.”

4. Liz decided she was worth it, and learned how to enjoy working out.

Liz couldn’t stick to other exercise routines, and would stop programs after just a few weeks. She always saw exercise as a chore, and really didn’t think she’d ever enjoy it. She had a growing list of hesitations that kept her from taking the first step toward building a new exercise habit.

After going through EB, Liz actually learned how to enjoy working out. She invested in herself and reaped the benefits!

“I have formed a habit that is most beneficial and so easy to maintain.”

Do you struggle with enjoying exercise? What is holding you back? Is it the expense? Lack of time?

Liz fought those hesitations and invested in herself. Now is the time for you to decide that you’re worth it! Join the next EB program, and learn for yourself how to enjoy working out!

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