If you’ve been online in the past few years, you have undoubtedly seen sponsored content. But what is it, exactly? Why do companies use it? How to write a sponsored blog post?
Here’s a sponsored content definition: it is a form of advertising where a company pays a publisher to write and publish an article or blog post about their product or service.
It’s often used to get around adblockers, as readers are more likely to trust organic content from publishers than traditional advertisements. Companies also use sponsored content to build relationships with potential customers and create brand awareness.
How to Find Advertisers to Use Your Blog
When you think of sponsored content, the first thing that might come to your mind is sponsored posts.
This is a blog post written by a blogger and published on their website in exchange for money. While you can write sponsored content in any style, sponsored blog posts are the most common.
If you are a blogger, the following are ways you can find businesses and brands to advertise through your blog:
Approach Marketing Companies
Many marketing companies create sponsored content campaigns for their clients. Do a Google search or check your local yellow pages to find a company. You could also ask friends or business owners if they know of any.
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Approach Companies That Fit Your Niche
If you are running a blog about fashion, sponsored content might be a good fit for you. Look through the brands your readers are interested in or similar blogs to see if they work with sponsored content.
How to Write a Sponsored Blog Post
The following sponsored content tips will help you when writing sponsored posts.
1. Include a Call To Action
The whole point of sponsored content is to sell something, so you should include a call to action in each sponsored post.
Calls to action are the keywords that will drive your content traffic to a sales or landing page. You should add them at the end of your post and ask the reader to take the next step in the sales process.
2. Unite Company Objectives With Your Content’s Message
Your sponsored content should reflect the objectives of the company you are promoting while also reflecting the message of your post.
Give readers valuable information that they can apply to their lives, and you’ll keep them coming back for more. So, if your sponsored content is about a company’s impressive new widget, make sure the sponsored post reflects that.
>> Also check out: The Blog Sponsorship Boss: How to Start Making Money with Sponsored Blog Posts, Find and Pitch Brands & Get Paid Every Time

3. Consider Using Data
Use data to prove what you are saying in sponsored content! Data can help readers build faith in your posts. You could, for example, use data to show the impact or results of buying the product or service.
4. Have a Great Heading
Headings are critical for any sponsored content. Take the time to create a catchy headline that drives attention and makes people want to read more.
5. Add Different Media Types
Sponsored content works well by including videos, images, infographics, and more. Just be sure to use media that supports your sponsored post’s message.
6. Add Links
Sponsored posts work best when they are comprehensive. That’s why sponsored content should include links to other pieces of content on your website.
Links to other content also help sponsored posts rank higher in search engine results.
7. Build a Relationship with Readers
Sponsored content can be a valuable long-term relationship builder. By publishing posts regularly, you will begin to establish yourself as an expert source of information.
That’s why sponsored content is more than just an ad; sponsored posts are meant to provide value that benefits your readers.
8. Be Authentic
There are several ways you can be more authentic when writing a sponsored blog post:
- Focus on sponsored content that is relevant to the brand or company. Sponsored posts that poorly match the company’s objectives will just annoy readers.
- Be transparent when writing sponsored posts. Tell the truth, and let the posts serve as advertisements for the brand.
- Make sure sponsored posts are genuinely adding value to readers. Don’t publish sponsored posts that are simply advertisements.
Sponsored content is blog posts published on someone else’s website. The writer receives payment based on the engagement rates of their posts. This sponsored content provides value that benefits your readers while also selling something.
You should generate engaging blog posts that attract readers’ attention to become good at marketing through sponsored content.
9. Focus on Storytelling
Sponsored blog posts work best when they feel natural, and storytelling is a great way to achieve that.
Instead of just listing features or benefits, tell a story that connects emotionally with your audience. Maybe share a personal experience, a client success story, or a creative use case for the product. This humanizes the content and makes it more relatable.
10. Balance The Sponsored Message with Value
It’s important to keep the balance between promoting the product and delivering value. Make sure your post provides helpful insights, tips, or resources your audience can use, even if they don’t purchase the product. Readers appreciate content that teaches or solves a problem rather than just advertising something.
So that’s how to write a sponsored blog post and make money from your blog.