No, forcing yourself doesn’t work

Did you know that 40% of your daily activities result from habits?
These statistics mean we’re living in auto-pilot mode, consciously or unconsciously.
Habits freeze our brain activity to such an extent that it feels like someone is regulating us. Sometimes, it feels as if we’re under some magic spell.
That’s the power of habits.
However, habits aren’t bad.
They act as the backbone of your life. They provide a strong foundation for your productivity. If it weren’t for patterns, your focus would be equally divided into many trivial activities, leaving you with little energy for your creative endeavors.
For example, you can do many things while driving a car. You listen to music, talk, eat, drink, and even adjust your posture while driving.
But do you remember your first day at driving school? Were you able to do any of these activities?
Perhaps not.
Charles Duhigg explains in his book, “The Power of Habit:”
“Our brains are wired so that if we do something continuously (either by force or pleasure), it…