Netflix & work chill – @habits

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Netflix & work chill – @habits

A good 4 weeks. The three blank days you see in the middle are the result of a 4-day vacation to Cebu. I have the workaholic tendency to loathe beach vacations after about the 2nd day, but to my surprise I didn’t want this one to end.

The “evening to do’s” habit (a grab bag of little activities to prep for tomorrow such as packing my work bag) has morphed into the “evening work sesh” habit (where I load a Netflix movie of the fast food variety on the living room TV after dinner, and do an hour or two of busy work while watching it). This has been a nice modification. Having a fun movie playing in the background helps me to squeeze an extra bit of productivity juice from the day’s orange…or something.

A quick review of each habit…

Waking early: in addition to exercise, one of the biggest levers for my day. Waking up at 7am is not just one hour better than waking at 8am. It’s at least 90 minutes better

Pushups: the idea is that each year you increase your goal not decrease it. My hope is that at 80 years old I can manage 80 pushups…even if I have to do 5 at a time from morning til dusk lol

Write: because good writing is good thinking and it’s one of my favorite things to do

Meditate: remains hard but worth it

Exercise: along with waking early, one of the best ROIs on time and a force multiplier for just about everything

Publish: can’t keep your work to yourself if you want to improve and connect and grow. Need to improve here

Stretch back & neck: because I’ve had recurring stiffness problems which have by and large gone away since I started to do these exercises

What do you suppose will satisfy the soul, except to walk free and own no superior? – Walt Whitman

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