15 Common Ways to Ruin Your Future Life

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Avoid them for a better life

15 Common Ways to Ruin Your Future Life
Better Humans
Photo by Dominik Hofbauer on Unsplash

We all make mistakes.

That is part of being human.

But sometimes, the mistakes we make are avoidable.

Inversion can help you solve problems you otherwise wouldn’t be able to figure out.

Instead of asking, “How can I make my life better?” you could ask yourself, “How can I avoid making huge, common mistakes?”.

As Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet’s business partner, has famously said: “invert, always invert.”

Here are 15 ways to ruin your future life. Avoid them for a greater life.

  1. Don’t express your honest opinions, show who you are, or be too “politically correct” around your friends, acquaintances, and coworkers.

Being too nice will stifle your connection with others and make them more platonic.

If you are more “real,” you will more easily connect with others at a deep level. Conversely, you will have to handle more conflict, but that is a small price to pay for deeper connections with the people you care about.

Some people will naturally gravitate away from you, but others will gravitate closer to you when you are a bit more polarizing.

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