Set Yourself Free from Negative Self-talk with Daily Affirmations [YouTube-Podcast] – Thoughtsnlifeblog

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Set Yourself Free from Negative Self-talk with Daily Affirmations [YouTube-Podcast] – Thoughtsnlifeblog

If you are struggling with negative self-talk, or confidence, or are just overwhelmed by it all. Affirmations are a great way to break the negativity in your life.

An affirmation is a positive statement, and generally starts with “I am…”

Affirmation when repeated 7 times 3 times a day for as many days as possible, becomes a new positive habit. We break the negative thinking and become positive and always find ways to become happy even when we are sad.

Repeating affirmations, especially with pen and paper, help to rewire our thinking, and our automatic thoughts and make a significant difference in our life. We break the pattern of negative thinking and become happier, more confident and more content. We start to believe in ourselves. I say this because I have used this tool. About 17 years ago, I hit a major wall in life, and it was this affirmation practice that helped me get out of it. It is easy to do. And it becomes a tool for life.

Enjoy experimenting with affirmations. I hope you enjoy the one below.

I created a Youtube/Podcast video of this Affirmation and this post if you want to listen to it. At the end of the video is an interactive section where we can write the affirmations together seven times. You can relisten to video at that point to have me give you company each time you write the affirmation.

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© copyright 2020 – revised November 2022

Published by thoughtsnlifeblog

I believe that the thoughts we create impact our life greatly. If we are able to change our thoughts, redirect them, catch our negative thinking.We can change our life. Read my ‘About’ page to find out more about
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