Happy Foodie Friday Friends!!
Last night we made one of my favorite go-to sides. Its super, super simple. Like you don’t even need a recipe, simple. However, I feel like I need to post this for those of you that have never tried a Grilled Caesar. It may sound strange – hot lettuce??? But just trust me and try it out. Hope you love it as much as we do!!
Needless to say this side pairs nicely with pretty much anything, but especially with Italian inspired dishes and our favorite combo – Ribeye and Grilled Caesar. yes please!
Buon Appetito!!

Grilled Caesar Salad
romaine lettuce, cut in half lengthwise - olive oil
- salt and pepper to taste
caesar dressing
homemade or primal dressing of choice - parmesano reggiano cheese
Preheat grill to medium heat. You can also make this under the broiler on high.
Cut romaine lengthwise, lay open, drizzle with olive oil, and sprinkle with salt and pepper
Grill for 2 minutes, until grill marks appear and the romaine becomes slightly wilted.
Remove from grill and drizzle with dressing and grated parmesano reggiano cheese.
If you don’t feel like heating up the grill this works fabulously under the broiler. Just place romaine on a baking sheet under high broiler for ~2 minutes until leaves just begin to wilt.
I love to make homemade caesar dressing (stay tuned for that recipe). But on most nights when we are pushed for time we use this primal caesar dressing.