2020 Annual Review | jobendle.com

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Well like every year as a self-employed girlie, 2020 has been quite the adventure….

Just not the type of adventure that involves passports and airport shopping (sadly).

It’s been a LONG time since this girl stayed in one place for so long. The upside of that is that I dived into my business even deeper which meant it got the chance to really grow.

It’s amazing what happens when you remove travel distractions!

2020 was a pretty good year for me, (other than the obvious “global pandemic” challenges). I headed into it with a brand new offering: The Live Big Lab, after making the mahoosive decision last year to close my 3-year-old, still thriving, membership (the same membership that paid my bills…).

I really stepped into and owned my skills this year.  My business is feeling so aligned to my strengths now – I’m sure I don’t need to tell you how much “stuff” that brings up!!

Oh, the joys of personal growth and achieving your dreams hey!

The Lab is absolutely the thing I am most proud of creating. I made a commitment to myself this time last year – give it 12 months. Learn how to deliver it. Learn how to launch it. Let it become what it’s meant to become.

I am so glad I made that deal with myself because, of course, the self-doubt demons showed up. A lot. But I committed to giving it 12 months. So I kept my part of the deal.

Best deal ever.

It worked.

It’s thriving.

It’s THE thing I’m focused on delivering next year.

It’s THE way to work with me – because it’s getting such incredible results.

There’s a theme in The Lab – I am forever saying:

“You’re gonna need bigger goals”

….because they keep claiming bold dreams and then smashing them!

Every time I open up enrolment for a new 90-day cycle 60-70% of the current members re-sign.

I think that stat says it all.

This beauty of an offering is validated and doing its thing and I can’t wait for the next round to start.

The community, the support, the friendships, the vulnerability, the wins, the RESULTS – the women are rocking it in there.

It is THE most amazing group of women and I feel so lucky to call this work.

I am so proud of Jo from a year ago who made that deal with herself to go all-in on The Lab for 12 months – and I’m proud I stuck to my commitment.

I’m actually considering “All In”. Or “Committed” as my theme for 2021. I have some big things that I want to tick off the list and they are going to require that kind of thinking.

HAPPY DANCE TIME – what DID I achieve in this random year?

Largest revenue year in my business SO FAR ✅

I often set myself the goal to “double my business”.

In fact, I often set myself big goals.

I don’t always achieve them and that’s ok because I love “who it makes me BECOME”  to even be in with a chance of getting close.

And guess what – I didn’t quite double my business BUT I got pretty close!!

I am VERY proud of that considering I removed so much from my business AND put my signature productivity program on offer for only $37 to make sure I could help everyone through the pandemic still have a business. (Want to Get Productive whilst it’s on offer? Click here).

Health & Fitness – I completed a 100-day exercise challenge this year!

It actually started as a 30 day one but I kept going. So I did lose some weight but I stalled due to injured body parts and I want to continue that focus again in 2021.

I’ll be turning 45 in April – declaration time – I will be fitter for that milestone! EEK.

Not so proud of….

Not learning Spanish or writing my book. Urgh.

These two goals are repeat offenders.

I would like to change that next year. I did try both this year but honestly, I ended up focusing fully on making sure my business thrived through the recession instead.  Good call I think because the book is no good without the business!

And – I’ve kind of set myself an “impossible goal” for the book project – so let’s see what happens in the process of attempting it!

Impossible goal = the opportunity to normalise failure, get out of your comfort zone, and in the process achieve something epic.  Setting realistic goals is not helping you grow. (Source: Brooke Castillo)

A bit like aiming to double my business (having just closed down my main income stream/offering). It makes you show up differently – another deal I have with myself, it’s not always about achieving the goal. It’s what happens in the process of trying.

This is why I’m considering “All In” or “Committed” as my theme for 2021. So that I can get them ticked off!

Lessons Learned in 2020

1) Stick to something long enough to give it the chance to find its feet and become what it’s meant to become.

I’ve been running group programs, masterminds, memberships, and 1:1 coaching for 5 years.

Every new offering comes from the experience of the previous thing.  Every successful program had to start somewhere.

That’s the lesson – give things a chance to grow and thrive. If your next offering only has one client, that’s perfectly fine. It’s just stage 1 and you know it’s going places IF you let it. The Lab currently has 30 members.  The first round we had 10.  Give things a chance to grow.

Don’t give up. Don’t keep trying different things.  Stay committed long enough for it to succeed (but only if it’s feeling good).  

2) Focus on what you CAN control not what you can’t

This was the overriding message for all of us this year.  Focus on what you CAN control.  Give THAT your energy. I practised that all year and then right at the end I was given another chance to practice it….🙈

Live Big is a big part of my messaging.  It’s even tattoed on my foot:

2020 Annual Review | jobendle.com

My mission this year has been to support women in business to stop playing small and instead live their version of a big life. At the end of November, I was contacted by a company that has the words “Live Big” trademarked and I was told I’m no longer able to use it.

The Live Big Lab.  The Live Big Framework.  The Live Big Movement – all got to change!!

My immediate response was – this means you are meant to step into your next thing Jo.  You’ve outgrown this. I tried to overthink it for a week (keeping it real!), then I surrounded it….and then it came.  I have complete clarity around what the new Live Big is and I can’t wait to share it with you.

Focusing on what I can control – finding something that feels big enough to step into and support us all to keep growing our businesses and living our best lives.

The big reveal will be coming in early Jan – another chance for me to play with the “all-in” energy and go all-in on turning this into something really powerful, motivating and inspiring for us all.  I’m excited just typing this – can you feel it?! 😂

3) Good things happening is confronting

I spent a lot of time in 2020 feeling numb.  I had no emotions!  Always right after my biggest income months.  Or lots of great feedback, or my clients having their best income months. I even went through a few months of dating (don’t get excited – single again!).  All of it – the things I wanted showing up – and my system shutting down.  Numb. Achieving your dreams is confronting.  There are always more layers and beliefs that need clearing aren’t there!

How good am I willing to let it be?! Did some journaling on THAT this year!

I have had to do a lot of inner work to allow myself to receive more good things. This is a testament to how much I have grown.  How much mindset work I have done.  I didn’t freak out.  I watched myself.  I observed how I felt.  Judgement free.  SO FASCINATING!

4) Systems Matter

I think most of us dropped the routine and structure this year.  It’s been a strange one – I’ve had a great year.  Business is amazing, health, life – all good but I definitely felt more tired this year.  Holding space for clients during a pandemic and passionately working to make sure we all come out of this stronger, still with thriving businesses (but without burnout), has been quite the journey.

I love it but I definitely dropped a lot of the support systems that usually hold me up.  My own productivity tools – ironically – got dropped.  I ended up with heaps of different notebooks instead of using my system in Asana to keep me on track.  I didn’t have a weekly schedule that I was sticking to which meant more time at my desk not being more productive.

I basically got up close and personal with how people feel when they come into my world BEFORE they start using the tools and strategies I teach in Get Productive!

Systems matter – they literally hold us up.  I’m going to be focusing a lot on our success habits in the Lab in January. We’re kicking off with a Productivity Bootcamp. I mean, of course, we are!

And that’s a wrap 2020 thanks and see ya!

Here’s to the next 12-month adventure.  Hopefully with more passport action this time!

Biggest of love, high fiving you for everything you experienced this year.

Jo x

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